

Comments for Difference between Livingstone and Victoria Falls airport and Namibia?

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Nov 30, 2022
In answer to your questions
by: Tony

Hi Stephen

Thank you for contacting us.
In response to your first question. The airports are pretty much the same, with regards to ease and efficiency, so I don't see there being any difference between VFA or LVI other than the logistics of transfers and possible visa fees as well as the price of the flights.

2nd Question again no apparent difference between any of these flights. They are both fairly reliable. Fastjet planes probably a bit older.

3rd question you can do a trip to Namibia from Kasane, not sure why you would want to do this though. The trip is to Impalila island and a village tour. If you wanted to get the stamp in your passport then yes you could do this. If you are doing a river cruise on the Chobe river then you are basically seeing Namibia, which is on the opposing bank.

Hope that helps


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