

Comments for How can I get from Kariba to Vic Falls by boat

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Apr 07, 2012
Kariba ferry
by: Tony

Hi Gareth

The kariba ferry sailing dates and prices you see on our website are up to date and current.
Being a single traveller I can't think there would be a problem for you to get on.

Your major problem I would think is getting from Mlibizi where the ferry docks to Victoria falls. This is a distance of about 300kms and there is no form of scheduled transport.

People are either travelling in their own vehicles or they arrange a transfer with one of the transfer companies in Vic Falls. These transfers though are charged out to a minimum of 4 pax at $82 each.

You can maybe try and hitch a ride with someone. There is no other boat service that operates from one end of the lake to the other, it is a distance of nearly 400kms, so hiring your own boat would cost an absolute fortune.

Not sure if that has been any help?

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