

How much do souvenirs cost in Victoria Falls?

We are trying to decipher how much cash to bring with us for curios, and I was wondering the general cost of sculptures, African beaded jewelry, fabrics, etc.?

Comments for How much do souvenirs cost in Victoria Falls?

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Aug 01, 2014
Average cost of curios
by: Tony

General curios cost between $5 and $20 per item for a small carving. If you want larger carvings by well known artists then you can pay several hundred dollars or even thousands. Beaded jewellery generally costs bewteen $10 and $30. On average a couple of hundred dollars would by you a lot of curios as memorabilia and gifts.
Remember vendors expect to haggle so they always start off high and will drop to at least half their starting price. Some of the work is exceptionally good so please pay what you feel it is worth.

Sep 21, 2015
by: Anonymous

Note that remarks re shipping are a few years old. Can we get an update or be assured that fedex to USA will be reliable?

Sep 25, 2015
DHL and Fedex
by: Tony

Fedex and DHL are very much in business here, I personally use DHL for documents to and from Harare and it's a good service. I have not exported any items recently but my reckoning is that companies of this stature have to uphold their worldwide service guarantees.

Apr 30, 2016
Art (DRAWINGS & Paintings)
by: Tichaona Ncube

For more info Please visit our page at www.facebook.com/victoriafallsartcorner

Sep 06, 2017
Ship A Lot Company in Vic Falls Shopping Area
by: Alan

I am looking for assistance in trying to figure out whether a company that I paid nearly $2,000 to ship goods for me to the USA is legit? They said the goods left Zimbabwe and were in Cape Town awaiting transit on July 28th. It is now September 6, 2017 and they are still there. Does anyone know of this transit company and whether they are legit?


Sep 06, 2017
More details
by: Tony

Hi Alan

I have not heard of Ship A Lot but that doesn't sound like the best company. if you supply more details of their location, contact details and contact person I wil try and help you.



Sep 06, 2017
Contact info
by: Alan


Here is the contact info

Ms. Gracious
Mr. Mohammed Hoko
Ship A Lot Freight
Victoria Falls Zimbabwe

263 772 364 965 (Zimbabwe)
27 711 122 714 (South Africa)
263 13 47356

They have a shipping office right in the main curio sales mall area,


Sep 06, 2017
Ship A Lot
by: Tony

Hi Alan

Please can you let me know which Mall, Elephants walk or Trading post. Unfortunately I am out of Vic Falls for the next seven day on vacation, but I will look into this immediately on my return if you still have had no joy.

Sep 24, 2017
Ship A Lot Freight
by: Karen Conley

We are also having difficulties with this company. Mohammed Hoko 273 Adam Stander Drive Victoria Falls Zimbabwe +27 711 122 714 SA, tel +263 13 48356 with an invalid email listed as shipalotfreight@gmail.com
Zero respinse, failed email. We had a table shipped on September 1st 2017. Under my husband's name Charles Conley

Mar 12, 2018
Shipping scammer to add to the list
by: Anonymous

MEBS Global Logistix Zimbabwe (PTY) LTD
Office #13 Galleria Complex
Victoria Falls Zimbabwe

These people have a good looking website (I could find NO complaints), a decent office, good looking paperwork and came "recommended" but obviously are frauds. I have the names (photos too) of the artists involved, photos of the goods I've been scammed out of, paperwork (which obviously isn't any good) and I want to make a formal complaint to authorities in Zimbabwe.

BEWARE of the artists of Victoria Falls. ALL of them!

Mar 29, 2018
Update Please
by: Tony

Hi There

Do you have any update on your difficulties with this company?

Mar 26, 2019
Shipalot Freight
by: Debbie

Hi, we ar3 experiencing exactly the same problem as Tony with this company. Tony’s comment in Sept 2017 is exactly the same as our problem, including names and contact details. We paid around $400 USD for our items which we bought from one of the small shops in the artist market and about the same to have them shipped to Australia. We were assisted to carry the items over to the Shipalot office, paid our freight costs and that’s the last we’ve seen of them.
Up until a couple of weeks ago, my emails were being answered with the same empty platitudes, but the last two have gone unanswered.
I’ve now emailed someone called Brandin at brandin@argusfreight.com which I was told is their shipping partner. I only sent the email last night but have told them I am contacting my bank to dispute the shipping costs unless they can provide me with confirmation by way of a traceable shipping number. Sadly, I suspect this is an expensive lesson for me.
Can you tell me if this company is legit and if there is anything else I can do?

Mar 27, 2019
I'll look into it
by: Tony

Hi Debbie

It's Tony here, I am the one living in Victoria Falls. I never heard anything back from the last anonymous poster, so maybe they eventually received their items.
I will get down to town in the next day or so and try to find out what these Shipalot guys are up too. If you have any more info keep posting it here.


Mar 27, 2019
receipt please
by: Tony

Hi Debbie

Perhaps you can email me a copy of your waybill or receipt so that I least I have something to question them about. info@victoriafalls-guide.net
I am hoping that it is just a mistake but if its not they must be brought to book. We eventually closed down another scam artist some years ago. We are not interested in a few people tarnishing the reputation of our lovely town

Mar 27, 2019
Shipalot Freight
by: Debboe

Hi Tony, I’m not sure where I put the receipt from Shipalot that detailed our items, but I will try to locate and and forward to you. Any help you can give us would be much appreciated. I’ve been in touch with our bank today and I am disputing the payment to them. I will post further info if I can find it. Thanks, Debbie

Apr 02, 2019
by: Tony

Hi Debbie

I have located Shipalot, but little more I can do to help without some details from you. Will wait to hear from you.


Apr 15, 2019
Shipalot Freight Update
by: Debbie

Hi Tony
I've found the manifest which details all the items that should have been sent, by airfreight no less! I also have photos of the items and a huge email trail where I have tried to resolve our problem. I will need to scan the documents so I can send them to you. How am I best to do that? Even if this means I don't get my items, if it helps someone else then that's a good thing.

Apr 16, 2019
Shipalot Documents
by: Tony

Hi Debbie

Probably best to just email them to me. info@victoriafalls-guide.net - Have you still not had any feedback or details from them? have they stopped communicating with you?
I will follow this up for you and make sure you either get your goods or they are prosecuted. If I get no joy from Shipalot, I will take your documents to the Police. You might then need to files a case.

Unfortunately for people they only really end up doing the research after the event. When the next person faces problems with shipalot, they will google it and find this post, which is then to late.
But I cannot stress enough for other readers who might be reading in advance, don't use these smaller independent freight companies. There is a DHL office about 30m from Shipalot and a Fedex just around the corner. With these multinational companies, there is accountability.

Apr 16, 2019
Shipalot Freight
by: Debbie

Hi Tony, I’ve heard nothing from them for over two weeks and have sent another email today. I’ve also initiated proceedings with my bank disputing the payment t9 them, but that still doesn’t get us our items for which we paid over $400USD. If my memory serves me correctly we got them from Shop #3 and it was at his suggestion that we used Shipalot. I’ll also send you a couple of the emails between us in the next day or so. Thanks for your help. Debbie

May 03, 2019
Persistence Pays Off
by: Debbie

Hi, well I’m so pleased to say that we are returning home from the airport with our goods! After 8 months of constant emails culminating in advice to the freight forwarded that we were instructing our bank to reverse the charge due to not receiving what we paid for we finally had success! Personally I would never use Shipalot again if I was in Vic Falls and I would caution anyone else from doing so. I’m so happy to see our items!! Never give up!

May 03, 2019
That's great news
by: Tony

This is excellent news Debbie. I am glad you have received your items

Aug 12, 2019
Similar issue
by: Cara

Hi Debbie and Tony,

I have a similar issue with ShipALotFreight...Can you share the steps taken to receive items? We are currently on 3 months of no response of our goods.


May 21, 2022
Shipping curios cost and Locations
by: Char


I would like recommendations for reliable shipping places to send goods home to the US from Victoria Falls. Also, how much can one expect to pay?

May 23, 2022
by: Tony

There are both DHL and FEDEX offices in Victoria Falls, either of these are reliable and your goods will arrive relatively quickly and without hassle. As to costs, sorry I have no idea and it will depends on weight and size of the shipment.

Dec 01, 2023
Ship A Lot
by: Doug

Hi Tony.
We purchased a wooden Elephant and it was to be sent to New Zealand taking about 3 weeks. Now over 3 months later and we still have not received it. According to Ship A Lot, it is in Johannesburg at Argus Freight depot awaiting despatch but no information of when it will be sent. A lady called Gracious from Ship A Lot was the person we have been dealing with. Would appreciate any help you can give us.

Aug 05, 2024
4 Months Later - Still Not Received From Elephants Walk
by: Debra Krizman

It has been since May 6th when I left my packages with ShipALotFreight for shipping. I have not heard an update since June 24th which then stated:

"Please note that you cargo is now in SA the nearest port of exit. Booking process is underway, will come back to you will with detailed info with ETD ETA with tracking number."

It is now August 5th and I have not received my many gifts or any communication from ShipALotFreight.

I sincerely hope they are not one of those companies that does not follow through and ends up being in a lawsuit. They were so highly recommended by two of the lovely merchants in the center and I had belief that theirs was a good company.

I purchased ALL of my gifts and souvineers at Elephant Walk since I knew I was going to be on Safari.

Thanks in advance.

Debra Krizman
917 22nd Street
Santa Monica, Ca 90403

Oct 22, 2024
Light At The End Of The (Freight) Tunnel
by: Anonymous

I sent a large box full of artwork and gifts (that I'd purchased at Elephant Walk) via ShipALot Freight back in early May. They were approximately 75% less expensive than DHL, also located in Elephant Walk.

Initially the items were to be delivered by the end of May, then June, then..... Always an excuse, "shipment missed the boat", "got delayed", "is on the next delivery". Finally I resorted to emailing my hotel (Ilala Lodge), the local tourist magazines, our own tour operator,"Victoria Falls Guide", Cristobeltravel (who highly recommended it on their website), and every other local organization I could find. And I sent copies to all of the emails I had for ShipALot Freight.

And guess what, my box actually arrived at my home in late August with everything intact and well-packaged.

Good luck and don't give up.

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Can I buy gas fuel canisters in Livingstone?

by Jack Fanning
(New York, NY, USA)

gas canister with screw top

gas canister with screw top

We are planning to camp in Livingstone (and elsewhere). We currently have a gas stove which fits gas canisters with a screw top (propane/butane - see picture). Is it possible to buy something like this in Livingstone? We are arriving by plane and obviously cannot check gas canisters into our luggage. If not: what fuel/ camp stoves is it possible to buy there?

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I am looking for the email address of the pencil artist in Elephant walk centre

While in Vic falls recently, I commissioned a piece of art from the delightful chap who does pencil sketches / art in the open part of the Elephant walk shopping centre, I believe his name may be Ziggy?

I left my email & contact details with him so that he could contact me when he had completed the piece. I have not heard from him.
Please ask him to email me or please send me his details..



Comments for I am looking for the email address of the pencil artist in Elephant walk centre

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Apr 30, 2016
Landela Complex, Livingstone Way, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe
by: Victoria Falls Art Corner

I've only saw this post today and the guys will be here Monday (visit/google for elephantswalkshoppingmall, Victoria Falls). Alternatively You may as well visit www.facebook.com/thewatchmangallery.tich or write to an artist ncubezt07@gmail.com.

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Shipping Craft items from Vic Falls

by JC
(NJ - USA)

We will be starting our two week trip in Vic falls, Zimbabwe, in Aug. If we purchase any Craft items in the Open Market or shops, is there a UPS, Fed Ex or DHL outlet there for shipping home. We would like, not to carry items around for two weeks if we don't have to. Thanks

Comments for Shipping Craft items from Vic Falls

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Feb 07, 2011
Be Careful
by: Tony


There is a Fedex and a DHL within the Elephants Walk Shopping center. Any of the local traders will point you in the right direction. Have a look at the town map on our website as well for the layout of the town and where the markets are etc.

My advice is to definitely use one of these shipping companies even if one of the curio traders tells you he can do it all for you.

Vic Falls Gallery has recently been highlighted in a complete scam, where the clients paid for curios and shipping and never received them. The case is still going on and we are trying to recover their money.

If one of the shops wants to ship for you make sure that they show you records of their previous shipments. Check out if they use Fedex or DHL and if not who are they using for their shipping who is reliable and honest. Don't go for the cheap option you might never see your goods again.

Dec 19, 2011
shipping scam -vic falls
by: Anonymous

I recently left my carvings and statues at Fedex in Vic Falls, along side many other orders to crate and ship to the U.S. They would give me no paperwork but took my email and said that in three business days they would email me and I would wire shipping money and it would ship. I have been home three weeks and have heard nothing from them. At least I didn't pay the shipping.

Feb 20, 2012
Vic falls fraud
by: sharon

beware of a vendor in Vic falls. His shop is across the street from the city market and he sells a lot of stone statues. I have been trying for seven months to get my sculpture, having heard every excuse in the books.

Feb 21, 2012
continues to scam people
by: Tony

Hi Sharon

Have you read this thread on our website Southern Africa Art Gallery. It's probably the same company that has defrauded you.

This guy continues to scam people all the time, I get emails from people who don't post on this post but tell me about how they have been defrauded. We are building a case against this guy and his time will come. If you have any invoices, receipts etc, please send them to me at info@victoriafalls-guide.net we can use them in the case against him.

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Elephant foot prints

by Colin Lee

Our family went on an elephant back safari with your company on Dec 8 2010 in the afternoon and my son and daughter purchased two elephant foot prints for US$20 each. Unfortunately, our maid mistakenly tossed them into the dustbin. I was wondering if it is possible to get replacements?

Colin (colinlee@cam.com.sg)

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Jan 12, 2011
Elephant prints
by: Tony

Hi Colin

I think this could be arranged, if you can let me know which company you went with I will send you the contact details of the person who can help you.

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Southern Africa Gallery

by Maggie
(Illinois, U.S.)

Do you have any contact information for an art gallery on the corner of Livingston Way? and the road that leads out to the A Zambezi River Lodge? It has a huge collection of stone statues. I have a picture of it and a piece of art I want to buy, but cannot find contact information now that I am back in the states.

Comments for Southern Africa Gallery

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Aug 24, 2010
Contact details
by: Tony

These are the details I have for the Victoria Falls gallery.
Website - www.vicfallsgallery.co.zw ( doesn't seem to be working)
email: vicfallsgallery@yahoo.com ( I haven't tested this so don't know whether it works or not)
Failing this try to get hold of Joy at backpackers bazaar which is just around the corner from them and she might be able to help you. joy@backpackers.co.zw

Oct 01, 2010
by: Craig

I purchased a sculpture from this gallery, paid for it and insurance, it has never arrived and its been over a month. I disputed the charge on my credit card.

Oct 01, 2010
That's not good
by: Tony

Hi Craig
That's not good at all, If you send me more details I will check it out for you next time I am there at the end of October.

Oct 01, 2010
Thanks Tony
by: Craig

I appreciate your willingness to assist me. A friend and I both purchased a sculpture on August 28, 2010. The curator we worked with was Tapiwa Chiadzwa according to the business card I have. The salesperson was a very nice and charming man. I am not sure if he is the curator I named, the signature looks more like a last name of Chihow or something similar. I can make out the "Ch" and the "how" but not sure of the middle letter

I purchased a piece by Muromne titled Lovers made from Verdite, I paid $290.00 on my VISA and gave him $60 cash supposedly for insurance. The piece was to be shipped air freight and arrive within days of being shipped. My friend paid $800 under the same pretenses. Neither of us have received any word of the shipment. The websites listed on their letterhead www.vicfallsgallery.com and www.southernafricagallery.com do not exist.

Again I thank you for your offer.


Oct 01, 2010
Unbelievable Scam
by: Roslyn

I visited the galley in June this year with my brother-in-law and together bought $4,545.00 US worth of peices. We paid deposit of $2,000 US and had an expected delivery date of 13th August back in Australia. It hasnt arrived and we are frustrated at not being able to make any means of contact with this gallery since.

Oct 02, 2010
by: Tony

Hi Craig and Roslyn

I can't believe it, that's appalling. Please understand that we are not affiliated to these guys in any way. I will be back in the Falls at the end of October and will definitely investigate this matter for you both.

Please can you email me on info@victoriafalls-guide.net with the names that the sculptures were bought under and maybe scan a copy of the receipts top me, and any other info you can think of.

Oct 04, 2010
Victoria falls gallery
by: Tarnya

Unfortunately it is with great regret that i feel i need to advise you of a very disappointing experience i have encounted and i ask that you please advise future travelers to ensure they do not experience the same problem. Whilst i was in Vic Falls on 23/8/2010, i purchased a sculptured Stone Head statue from Victoria Falls Gallery the person that served me was Tapiwa Chadzwa the sculpture cost $350. US dollars this included postage back to Australia. At the time of purchase i was advised the loading date of the statue would be on the 6/9/2010 service provider British Airways (BA) . Tapiwa advised that Shippico would send me an email (as he provided the email address to them) on 6/9/2010 with the Way Bill Number in order for me to be able to 1. track the goods in transit 2. be able to pick it up from the cargo area at Sydney Airport, I have tried to call the two phone number he supplied me on the receipts he issued to no response , i have now sent four emails on email addresses supplied to him asking him on to respond and provide me with the Bill number, he has not responded todate. I can only assume the phone numbers and email do not exist and i have basically thrown away $350. US Dollars, if i new this was going to be the case i would have much preferred to open the window of the truck and thrown small dollar bills out the window to the local people along the way on my trip at least i know they would appreciate the donation. I ask that you please warn future travels not to buy anything from this shop or Southern Africa Gallery ( as they are linked) as it is obviously a scam, the reason i ask you to do this is so they don?t experience the same disappointment i have. People save their money for a long time to go on an adventure of a lifetime and to have this happen is does not leave a happy/positive memory. I would like to thank you very much for your time.

Oct 06, 2010
same piece????
by: Murray

The piece that you bought titled "Lovers"...was it a stone carving of two baboon heads, about 800mm high? I also bought a piece entitled "lovers" which is long overdue. If we have bought the same piece then that is confirmation of a scam and not just a delayed delivery. I have photos which i will post when I am back in Aus next week.

Oct 07, 2010
Sure a scam
by: Craig


The piece I bought was titled "lovers" it was carved from verdite which is a green stone and it was of two people's faces intertwined.
I am sure it's a scam. I just "googled" the curator's name Tapiwa Chiadzwa and it links to comments such as
"Tapiwa Chiadzwa?
The Kingdom at Victoria Falls
cucho_9 1 contribution miami,fl
29 Jun 2009 | Trip type: Couples Stay away of this guy, a professional racketeer who sells sculptures in this hotel. He promised to send the sculptures abroad, and after a lot of money sent I'm still waiting. The hotel employees doesn't have manners and I'm only going to say that I saw the biggest spider ever inside of my room. Needless to say that I didn't sleep at all"

Sounds like the hotel is in on the scam also.
The hotel has no website nor a way to contact it.

I think I'll just be glad I only lost $60. And to think I gave a pair of shoes to a guy thinking he needed them. He probably sold them to someone.

Oct 12, 2010
He does exist
by: Craig

I received this email from the curator Tapiwa Chiadzwa when I emailed him at vicfallsgallery@yahoo.com which was on the business card I got from him. Any bets on whether or not I receive the piece. Will keep you all informed

Hie Craig

I was busy in South Africa with your shipment no acceses to internet , the goods are intransit to your Country they might take long , only we managed to obtain the cash after almost 2 weeks because of the Bank problems to the Card can you Please advice your friend on this development .

I am very sorry for taking long to update you Mr Craig.

I will give you all updates nextweek but one.

Best Regards

Tapiwa Chiadzwa

Oct 13, 2010
Bad business behavior
by: Tony

Hi Craig
Thanks for the update, a little reassuring but still unacceptable business behavior.

Tarnya has also had a response from him, albeit and incredibly rude email, stating that her item will also eventually arrive - which he guarantees. If you have email comms with him I would ask for proof of shipment documents or a way bill number.

If he has sent the items there is very little I think we can do except to warn people of how he conducts his business. If he hasn't sent them and is just stringing you along, we can prosecute. Keep me informed, I arrive in the Falls on the 29th Oct

Oct 13, 2010
Still not convinced
by: Murray

i also received an email with a different apology. I am really sceptical, he still hasn't provided any details of courier company or shipping number. Obviously he has been tipped off to this thread and is trying to cover his ass. If I don't receive something soon, I will be commencing prosecution.

Oct 13, 2010
thanks Tony
by: Murray

BTW, thank you Tony for following up with this. It is really appreciated, hopefully something good will come of this very soon.

Oct 24, 2010
scam update
by: murray

just to give you an update, I received this from Tapiwa when I asked him to provide details of the freight agent that he claims to be using...

"Hie Mr Murray

Our Shipping Company is AIRSHIPPICO (PVT ) LTD there email address is , shipperking15@yahoo.com ."

I looked up this company and couldn't find any registration details for a company of that name, it is a bogus company, and the yahoo email is a good indication of that. I have asked for a further update before commencing legal action but haven't heard back for over a week.

I suggest that we all pool together our resources to commence legal action against Tapiwa. Tony, I'll wait to hear of your efforts next week.

Oct 26, 2010
by: Tony

Please can anyone send through any more details if you have received your consignments or have had any more correspondence from the gallery. I leave tomorrow.

Thanks and regards

Oct 26, 2010
Letter from bank
by: Craig


I received an email from the bank indicating that my transaction had been disputed and they asked if I had received it yet. I replied that I had not but that Tapiwa said it should be in the US by Nov. 15 this year. I think the bank is pressuring them but it could all be part of the scam. here is the email from the bank it is preceeded by emails between the bank and Vic Falls Gallery. Happy reading and (again) thank you for your help.

"Good day

I am in receipt of your disputed transaction for usd $230.00 from Victoria Falls. Please confirm if you have now received your sculpture to enable us to investigate further.


Mary- Annie Rusike

e-Banking and Card Services
Telephone: Direct Line: 791251 Switchboard: +263 4 748050- 79 ext 4084 Mobile phone: 0912 662 946

Fax: +263 4 780887 e-Mail: mrusike@cbz.co.zw Web Site: http://www.cbz.co.zw

2nd Floor Fanum House, Samora Machel ~ P. O. Box 3313 ~ Harare ~ Zimbabwe

From: Tapiwa Chiadzwa [mailto:vicfallsgallery@yahoo.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 19, 2010 1:54 PM
To: Rusike M
Cc: bayanayit@cbz.co.zw
Subject: Fw: Sculpture Purchase

Dar Rusike

Please find all the correspondeces of our letters to our clients regarding the shipping of their sculptures , we thank you for handling this issue which i really appreciate so much and all the efforts you are putting to make our client happy, and i want to ask you Rusike if the problem is much please we are prepared to deposit the money with you untill the client confirmed that he has received the Sculpture for the good of the account of the person who offered us the service please we dont want his account to be dirty because of us please do the best to protect that issue on that account please, only that we have some challenges on flights he should have received it back.
Again i was speaking to my Freight Agents it sounds they do not want to be involved with any complains from other people than us and they are not prepared to hand over any document to anyone than myself and the client were the goods are going but myself i am going to send you the copy as soon as they send it through to me.

We are very sorry for the inconviniences caused and i do pray for you to handle it well for us and for our Country at large.

Have a good day

Best Regards

Tapiwa Chiadzwa

--- On Mon, 10/18/10, Tapiwa Chiadzwa wrote:

From: Tapiwa Chiadzwa
Subject: Sculpture Purchase
To: "Craig Wanner"
Cc: bayanayi@cbz.co.zw
Date: Monday, October 18, 2010, 6:03 AM

Dear Bayanai

We acknowledging you that yes we have a receipt of purchase through your Victoria Falls Branch which was mend for the purchase of a sculpture tittled; Head Lovers of the Material Verdite to be Shipped to;
Invoice Number 00221 and 00220 respectively

Jan 18, 2011
Knew it
by: Craig

Well, here it is .... the new year. I have never received anything from this company other than promises. I feel more fortunate only losing $60.00 to this lying scam artist. For thos of you also losing money to this low life please join me in wishing Tapiwa nothing but the worst in life. May his children die as he watches in vain. May everyone he cherishes be inflicted with a terrible disease and suffer immense pain.



Apr 20, 2011
this review is a scam
by: Anonymous

hi "Tony"
you are all part of this scam.
Why are you consistently assigning 5 stars to this scam business when there are plenty of reviewers who are reporting how they were swindled by this son of a bitch who calls himself Chiadzwa? It raises the average rating and you know it and the only reason you would be doing so is because you are part of this scam.

Apr 20, 2011
by: Anonymous

The default is 5 stars so, unless you change that it will show as a 5 star. I give a one star only for the fact that a zero star is not an option. I have no doubt this thief is still ripping off people.
What can you say...it's Africa. No wonder they still live like animals

Apr 21, 2011
by: Tony

Thank you for your comment, but there seems to be some confusion. The reason I leave the rating at five stars is to give this post a higher profile so that more people read it and are made aware of it. If I were involved in the scam in any way the last thing I would want is for anyone to become aware of it, I would be as quiet as possible.

With more people reading it, more people can be warned about Chiadzwa and avoid him. I have publicised this scam on my newsletter and I also warn people in my download guide to be wary of him.
The only reason he is able to get away with this is that he is swindling people who once they have left Vic Falls are on the other side of the planet and find it extremely difficult to chase him and he knows that.

I too do not live in Victoria falls so can only follow this up when I get the opportunity to get up there, which will be in May this year, and I will be visiting him and making a follow up.

I have asked several residents in the Falls to follow this up for me, but no one will take it on as it is sensitive, it's Africa and it is dangerous to make enemies especially in a small town like Victoria Falls, so residents avoid rocking the boat.

My grown up sons live in the Falls and I have thought about asking them to check this out for me, but again I feel that it is putting them at too much risk. A guy like Chiadwza will have connections and I don't think you have quite grasped as to how dangerous this could be. If you know Zimbabwe at all you will understand that instead of putting him in jail, you could very easily find yourself in jail, the chief of police could very easily be his best friend.

However I detest this kind of behavior and I will take it on as I cannot stand the fact of anyone being swindled out of their hard earned cash, it also has a negative impact on the whole town, but I can only do it when I am there. He no longer responds to any of my telephone calls or my emails. In time I will see that he is brought to justice and prosecuted.

Unfortunately though I think the only way for anyone who has been scammed is to employ a lawyer and take Chiadzwa to court, which is not a route, I think the people involved so far want to do.
I am more than willing to facilitate this though if anyone comes forward.

I will be posting this on facebook today to give it an even higher profile, in the hope that we can stop this man.

I hope this clarifies matters

Apr 28, 2011
Thank you Tony
by: Craig

I am one of the early posters to this board. I did get ripped off and figure it is a learning experience. Tony provided all the help he could and did a lot more than I expected. I thank him for that.
I realize I got fooled by this store but I don't think I got fooled by Tony. To accuse him of being in on this simply because of the stars is not fair at all.
The only thing I would ask Tony now is to not enndanger himself or his family simply to get a customer a piece of pottery. If you can afford a trip to Victoria Falls you probably will survive being ripped off for a few hundred dollars. This place isn't Kansas and it isn't safe.

Again Tony, Thank You for all you have done.

May 20, 2011
Response from Tapiwa Chiadzwa (part 1)
by: Tony

Hello Mr Tony

I do hope i find you doing well, and i do hope you have received my sms yesterday, i understand you were at my Gallery and you have said what you have said to my Staff members which is not a new thing from you as i believe, to be hournest with you Mr Tony i believe that you are playing politics than a a real business person which i believe myself, why i am saying this , last time you came here we discussed what we have discussed and agreed and you went on taking your own route and myself i am comminicating with my clients with a better understanding than you a third party , i am not saying you are not suppose to get involved but you have to look on both parties, yourself i have seen your motive against me, our Company maybe with our Country at large as well which i am tittled to protect which i believe so, after we discussed on these pending issues you illegally went on CREATING your own tarnishing SITE about me about our Company about Zimbabwe and other issues related to Zimbabwe, i was quite all along waiting for you , i am happy you have decided to resurface but i am not a coward like you i could have deal with you upon your arrival in this Country but Zimbabweans we are not like that , here you have decided to put sanctions on me , my Company and offcourse you people you have put Zimbabwe on these illegal sanctions, which you are still trying to see working against us.

Why i am saying this, you as a professional and as a person knows Zimbabwe you was suppose to investigate and see what might be challenges and how to solve things and how to go forward, but yourself you have decided to judge me and convict me in your kitchen courts in South Africa , i believe you are Zimbabwe born and fled Zimbabwe for your own reason and we remained here when thinks were tough for us and we are still here, and we can still wellcome you here if you still want to come back in good faith with the Zimbabweans as Zimbabwe will remain for Zimbabweans.

You are the same people who are misleading some Zimbabwe tourist through your internet you are discouraging people to pay money to any local surviving tourisim business we have seen this for a long time , now things are in messy like this you are prettending as you are proffessionals, my always question is why Tourists come up with there prices in Shops or open markets how can a person from America put the price on something he have not seen in his life,yes i agree there is a room for negotiation but the way how things are going its pointing back to you people who guides Victoria Falls from South Africa and i believe in some other times you people you were saying Victoria Falls is in South Africa thats misguiding you are still doing offcourse on a different way, which i give my own answer that you want to see all Zimbabweans dead , which i dont believe it will not happen so long our Truely truely leadres are still surviving, God is for everyone Black , White , Blue , Green Yellow.

May 20, 2011
Response from Tapiwa Chiadzwa (part 2)
by: Tony

For your information i want to give you an example which you need to think about,
Lets take either one of your client, the Sculpture is going for $1 800 without Shipping and that sculpture is weighing 350-400kilograms then someone said he or she wants to pay $800 including everything, yourself you know what needed on Shipping, so this will live us with no option but to accept that little and try to get as much cheaper Shipping Lines which match with what somebody pays it can take us upto five or more years especially with these sanctions you are keeping on us for nothing, but for those who pays there proper money they receive there goods , but i reserve the blame on all these messy to you , my advice is if you need your clients to be happy stop giving them the price of something which is not your product.

And again i am not going to talk you you untill you remove my name on your tarnishing site you created in your kitchen but i am not forcing you.

Myself i comminicate with my clients direct .

I hope you are not going to take this as political but business sense.


May 20, 2011
Hey Tapiwa
by: Craig

You are one of the most dishonest people I have ever dealt with. If you are so stupid as to agree to a price that cannot ship the item to the buyer than you need to go sell fruit on the streets. To blame the customer for agreeing and paying you an amount of money for an item that you have no intention of sending to them is dishonest.

I don't know if you believe in God or you worship some volcanoe but either way you will spend your time in Hell for lying, cheating and stealing.

Don't blame or threaten Tony, he's not the thief-you are!!!!!!!! ROT IN HELL you bastard

May 20, 2011
Chiadzwa deflects blame
by: Anonymous

I visited the Southern Africa Gallery to follow up on Tapiwa Chiadzwa. He was not there, I was told he was in Harare. The next day he sent me an email, which I have posted above.

Unsurprisingly he has tried to turn this into a racial issue as well as trying to place the blame on everyone else except himself, completely ignoring the fact that he has defrauded several people out of a lot of money.

If he has communicated (as he claims) with anyone please post it here.

I want only to promote Zimbabwe in a positive way, that is the whole essence of my website, However impostors like Chiadzwa must be stopped, as they are the ones that give it a bad reputation.

Legal action is the only course of action now for those wanting to recoup their money. Please let me know if you would like me to assist.

Aug 06, 2011
is that it????
by: Anonymous

Craig,roslyn and murray,did u get your refunds or sculptures?l bet none of the above!so is that is guys?your hard earned money gone just like that!well lm also a victoria falls resident and l have a business too here and it pains me when such people like tapiwa tarnish our image like this!from the research we have done,its not only you guys who have been duped but more 30 or so!craig we also found your name,you must be craig wanner with this email craigwanner@wannermetalworx.com !and murray we also found ur name among these pple,you must be murray charteris with this email.art@bayartdesign.com.au! us as vic falls business pple we are prepared to help you and bring this guy to justice! when l get time l will post some of the unfortunate people who have been duped too!

Aug 08, 2011
it appears we've been taken
by: raws

We purchased an elephant sculpture on April 22 when we were in Vic Falls. We paid full asking price for the elephant and for the shipping and insurance. When we didn't get the elephant, we contacted T. Chiadzwa by email (twice). We have not received any reply.
It's very shameful that there are people like this and it will not bode well for Vic Falls when we put our story on Television here in the USA. However, I don't want other people to lose there money to such a deceitful person.
We have a television station that will research our story and if they find that we still don't get our product, they put the whole story on Television.
I just wish I had read the posts from this site before purchasing in the first place. I won't make that mistake again.

Aug 12, 2011
The Net is closing in on Tapiwa
by: Tony

Hi Raws

I am really sorry to hear that you have also been scammed, to be quite honest I am horrified that Tapiwa is still operating, he must be scamming hundreds of people.

However I think the net is closing in on him, I have been contacted by a shipping company who has also been scammed by him and several others. A case is being prepared against him, which will be lodged with CID fraud.

If anyone has any more details please send them through, the more evidence the stronger the case.

Aug 26, 2011
by: Hart

Does anybody have a tel number for Tapiwa Chiadzwa and or a recent e mail address?

Aug 27, 2011
Contact details
by: Anonymous

These are the contact details I have for him

+ (263) 713599041
+ (263) 772897882

Email: Tapiwa Chiadzwa [vicfallsgallery@yahoo.com]

Aug 27, 2011
contact details
by: raws

0263-772-897-882 or 00263-772-617-218

Aug 28, 2011
correct email
by: Anonymous

The correct one is shoppingvillage47@yahoo.com those other ones no longer exist!

Sep 27, 2011
A real rip off!
by: Hippo

On 1. May 2011 friends of mine purchased the Baboons sculpture(which I haven noticed has been sold a few times!). We paid for the transport in cash and then once back in Europe the rest was transmitted via Western Union Money Transfer. He has always been in contact with us always giving excuses why the goods have not arrived. We also have not received any shipping information to follow up. Our last contact with him was yesterday. But as with the others as soon as he realises that he has been caught with his lies he does not correspond anymore.

It is such a pity that we did not read these comments before purchasing the sculpture. The shop made such a serious impression otherwise we would not have purchased the sculpture.

We are also interested in stopping him with his lies and corruption and I would appreciate it if you could let me know to whom we could mail the documentation.

If there is anything we can do from our side, please let us know. Is it useful in any way to inform the police? I know things work differently in Africa and I cannot expect things to work as in Europe.

I really feel sorry for the zimbabweans. People like this ruin their own country and the honest people are the ones suffering and issues like this avoid tourists coming or spending money!

Sep 27, 2011
Fraud Case proceedings
by: Tony

I have been contacted by a shipping company in Harare, who have also been ripped off by Tapiwa. They are opening up a fraud case against him and are asking anyone who has been scammed by this guy to contact them. The more evidence they get the stronger the case will be. For security I have not put the name of the shipping company on this post but please contact me by email info@victoriafalls-guide.net and I will send you their contact details.

Below is a copy of the shipping companies email to me:-
We are a shipping company in Harare and about 2 years, we received 2 consignments from Tapiwa for freighting to USA for 2 different clients. We duly shipped these and when we sent the clients the freight invoices, they advised that they had paid Tapiwa the shipping charges as well. As such we started chasing him for the money. He paid us a very small amount of the total due and, in order to avoid storage at destination, we released the cargo to the clients without full payment. We are still waiting for payment from him for the balance. We have reams of e-mails and smses from him promising payment, giving excuses (some the same as shown on your site link) etc, and we are putting together a case of fraud against him. He has several aliases which makes it even more complicated.

If you could ask the people who have complained of the same issue to obtain a police report and send it to us along with a power of attorney to this e-mail, we will go to CID fraud squad and open a full docket. Obviously the more people we have, the better the case will be.

Sep 27, 2011
other people cheated
by: Anonymous

Tony l don't know if u can contact these people but they have been duped too! Andreas Peham-and.pe@gmx.at Trevor Mcguire - trevor@stoneofshona.com.au Mary Beth - marybeth.horton@nancychandler.com Robert Davis - bbbdavis@verizon.net Alessandro Brancato - stbranca@tin.it Barry Gold - bg@hvc.rr.com Terad Al Qahtani - t.m.alqatani@hotmail.com Maggie Villwock - maggie@villwocks.com Jefferey Helewitz - JHELEWITZ@courts.state.ny.us Helga Gussner - h.g.p@gmx.at Frans de Lee - steenlee@quicknet.nl Tarnya and Denise - delpha@three.com.au

Sep 27, 2011
Old Tricks
by: Craig

I am not sure but I am skeptical. This could very well be just another scam. I cannot believe any shipping company would deliver goods based on a promise of payment. They want a "power of attorney" .... for what? If they are filing a fraud claim they can do that alone. My thought is that they will get your information then ask what credit card you charged it to or what bank was used. All of this information will work against you. I could be wrong but I don't trust anyone from Zimbabwe anymore.

Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.

Sep 28, 2011
Not a Scam
by: Tony

Hi Craig

I completely understand your skepticism, and of coarse if you don't trust me then what I say will not make a difference.

But this is a well know international shipping, Trax International P/L, not a little shipping agency. I used to do business with them when I was in the furniture industry and they sent plenty of containers on my behalf. Its not a scam.

Zimbabweans are generally incredibly trustworthy people and that is why this Tapiwa is so irritating in that he is tarnishing our reputation.

Sep 28, 2011
tony is telling the truth
by: Anonymous

Craig l know this company and personally l know Dirk Neil who is the manager!l can testify that yes he has been duped by tapiwa!lm tapiwa's friend and l don't support what he is doing!

Sep 28, 2011
by: Craig


In our correspondence I have learned to trust you and your judgement. My skepticism wasn't due to anything you have done.

If you say this is a reputable company I believe it, however, I would be wary to provide credit card or bamk information on any corrspondence. If anyone does send information, black out anything that could be compromised.

I was only in Zimbabwe for a couple days. My generalization of the people of Zimbabe might not be a fair evaluation but it's the only one I have.

As I stated before, I am only out the cash I gave
Tapiwa for shipping. I reversed the charges on the credit card so I am one of the luckier ones. I hope that the people who were taken for more money see justice.

All I can do is pray that he is someday held accountable for his misgivings.

Oct 12, 2011
Southern Africa Gallery
by: Anonymous

You are all correct! This guy is the BIGGEST FRAUD AROUND! I know cos i live in the same town as him. He cheats everyone and when he is in a corner he will start the political racial attacks!

You will NEVER get the things you pay for because he never sends them. My advice: get a lawyer - this guy is the worst news around and he is the BIGGEST DISAPPOINTMENT to Zimbabweans giving them a bad name. He doesnt know how to be honest to anyone - just lies and cheats all the time. On behalf of honest hard working Zimbabweans i apologise for his behaviour which is disgusting.

Oct 13, 2011
Incorrect Info
by: Hippo

On 6 August "Anonymous" published a number of email adresses of people who got duped. Well, I tried to mail all these people and strangely enough every single email returned with the info, doesn't exist, illegal, etc. Strange isn't it???

So this also leads me to the question why is somebody giving wrong information? Is somebody trying to mislead the readers or what?

Who else is behind all this?

Oct 14, 2011
lm telling the truth Hippo
by: Anonymous

I'm the person who posted those emails and believe me,they do exist!lm in contact with those guys!l might hv made errors on typing them since l was using my fone but lm prepared to rewrite them using my laptop!there is nothing l will benefit from lying!lm a zimbabwean and victoria falls business man too and l don't agree with what tapiwa has been doing!recently a lady called m bauer phoned victoria falls police in connecton with him from europe and its tarnishing our image!

Nov 08, 2011
Ripped Off
by: Anonymous

We purchased two sculptures in July of this year, 2011, and have never received anything, nor has anyone been in contact with us. We have tried to contact them, all to no avail.



Dr. Dennis W. White

Nov 09, 2011
Now the tourist is the bad guy??
by: Hippo

Dear Anonymous

I cannot understand why the person you mentioned, m bauer, can ruin the image of Victoria Falls. I think it is everybodys right to contact the police if Tapiwa does not keep his promise. Tapiwa is the person causing the damage not the tourist who did not receive their goods!

Nov 17, 2011
vic falls gallery
by: Anonymous

i am sorry about everything guys the history of tapiwa chiadzwa does not begin today but years back it seems he dine with all police guys i remember when he was still working for one newman chiadzwa a freind of mine purchase a sculpture from him and it never arrived he was the one who was responsible for shipping he went on to open his gallery with a different name which i remember as victoria falls gallery well the name which he changes after duping many people to the one he has now southern africa gallery vic falls he is a very big crook or we say a sophisticated crook

a betrayed one

Dec 05, 2011
One more !
by: Maryse

Sorry , I don't speak english very well , but it's easy to understand me.
Like you , i purchased a stone sculpture of a bird in August , during my hollydays , I pay cash $650 ( at the answer of the seller ) , including expedition , insurance and all .... It' is writing on the invoice , and nothing received today ?
I spend two mails , no answer .
I try to phone , nobody ?

Now , I understand , but I'm going to phone to the Ambassy in Paris, because , why this gallery is again open ?


Dec 28, 2011
Cheated as well???
by: Laz

I also purchased a $600.00 item a year later (1.11.11) and waiting for delivery, however I can't make contact with the shop either. The email address given to me was: shoppingvillage47@yahoo.com.
Anyone ever received any goods?

Jan 09, 2012
by: Russ Miller

I also purchased a sculpture from this Gallery in September 2011 and have NOT received and cannot get any response to my emails when I request dispatch informatiom
Is there any way we can get any staisfaction ?.
The Gallery appeared professional in presentation
BUT how I was deceived
NOT holdin out much hope for delivery

Jan 09, 2012
by: Laz

It looks obvious. No one uploads a positive outcome, they must be thieves. Even though I had a feeling that parting with my cash for a piece of paper (receipt) is risky, however the shop really looks "professional" and legitimate. I wonder if anyone went back to kick some ass...

Feb 21, 2012
SA Gallery
by: SA Visitor

Thx for the heads up. I will be in the Falls in 10 days time, and will make sure what I cannot take back with me to SA on the plane, I will not purchase.
Should I take a baseball bat along with me?

Feb 21, 2012
Louisville Slugger
by: Craig

Please do take a baseball bat along, be sure to post a video of it on Youtube, I would love to see it.

If you are in the store please warn any other customer who might be in there getting swindled.

Thank you

Feb 21, 2012
Art Center
by: Dr Hart Porsch

To SA Gallery:
While in Victoria Falls, would you be kind enough to check on our Art Center, which we built ?
Please find pics on our website:
We have not heard back from neither the lawyer nor from Tapiwa in about a year.
Many thanks,
Dr. Hart Porsch
Verena Foundation

Feb 21, 2012
Some good news
by: Laz

Hi All

I have been fighting my battle for months, and there are some promising developments. Please be patient, I will post my story in a couple of days if my gut feeling is correct. I might get my item shortly and I will tell you how if it happens. Although I can't still be sure, but at this stage I give it an 80% chance.

Feb 26, 2012
ripped off!
by: Sharon

I add my name to the list of those scammed by this same guy. I purchased end of July 2011. I have been in constant, determined contact, but to no avail. What can we do? I am out $500. Have the police been contacted? Too bad for all the Hungary, honest merchants in Vic Falls. I would love some suggestions.

Feb 27, 2012
A case has to be opened and a charge laid
by: Tony

Hi Sharon,

Sorry to hear that you have also been taken.
I have phoned and eventually (surprisingly) got through to CID Police in Victoria Falls. I spoke with the Detective Ispector there.

He is aware of Tapiwa and this gallery but is unaware that the scams are still going on. He helped a gentleman from Germany who has reported on this thread, to recover his goods.
Problem is that he can't help until a case is reported, once the case has been reported via the charge office, it then goes to CID who will investigate.
Following their investigations they will either, arrest and charge him or find no grounds for arrest.
If he is arrested and charged he will then go to court where the case will be tried. You might think that this might be a waste of time in Zimbabwe and nothing will come of it, but surprisigly the police are very good.

So in short nothing can really happen until a charge is laid and a case report opened. This is very difficult for all of you in foreing lands, but the detective inspector informs me that the correct procedure for anyone in a foreign land is to lay the charge through the embassy in your country.

Once you have this case report number then things will start to happen. My feeling is that as soon as the heat is applied on Tapiwa he gives in and sends the goods, this has happened to a few people who have contributed here. They have eventually recieved their items, because of the threats they have made him.

My other thought proccess is to get a lawyer in Victoria Falls to lay the charge for you, this will obviously cost money, but I am pretty sure once the charge has been laid Tapiwa sends the items.

Hopefully if enough charges are laid against him he will stop operating.

Mar 21, 2012
by: Laz

Hi All

I received my item! It took me many months of fighting, the item arrived damaged (a leg is broken off), it cost me quite a bit of money, but it has arrived. You need to either contact the Zimbabwean Embassy in your country, or maybe the Victoria Falls police directly. Once you can prove that your item has been paid for, not receiving it is a crime committed, in any country. It is simply stealing. Your best bet (to start pushing fr your item in a private way) could be your travel agent, or anyone who can start the ball rolling, but need a contact. Good like guys, don't just give up! This has to be stopped!

Jul 11, 2012
DR HART PORSCH-No art center in victoria falls!
by: Anonymous

Mr prsch lm sorry to tell you that there is no such thing like an art center in falls!the matter of the truth is tapiwa played you and cheated you of your money!l was seeing photos on your website and those buildings he was busy sending to you l recognise them,its actually someone's lodge which was being built!l also read the letter about him going to donate pumps on your behalf,that's a lie!nothing like that ever happened!for all those years the man has been playing you!on behalf of other honest zimbabweans l would like to apologise to you and warn you that next time you want to help us a as nation you can look for honest and reputable people to execute such projects or we can help you start like an NGO!we are sorry mr porsch for tapiwa's behaviour!

Sep 17, 2012
Lets hear from Tapiwa
by: Anonymous

I have read all the accusations being laid on tapiwa but it will not be complete until we hear from tapiwa. I know Tapiwa personally and I am going to bring him to this site and give us some explanation.Lets not conclude until we hear from him

Sep 18, 2012
Go ahead
by: Craig

Bring the crook to this site. I have heard from him. He is more worthless than a piece of Baboon shit.

he scams people and if you think he's a good guy you are either stupid or a crook like him.

I personally don't care if Tapiwa gets on this blog or not.

Jan 08, 2013
Ripped off!
by: Anonymous

I too bought a Hippo at the shop in October 2012 and paid cash as was given a receipt for the Hippo and shipping to Australia. Surprise surprise it has not arrived. I tried to ring the number on the receipt several times but couldn't get though. Emailing got no results either.
Am so disappointed about this and does leave a bitter taste after a great time in Vic falls

Mar 05, 2013
guess we're mugs too
by: bj

same situation here...bought and paid for stone carved giraffes which were to arrive up to 13 weeks afterward, and still no sign of them 5 months on!! Live and learn, eh? Any recent contact info?

Mar 06, 2013
Tapiwa's Gallery
by: Laz

It is a scam!!!! Taipiwa is a crook, however I received my hippo as I mentioned before, but he should be in jail for what he does.

Mar 18, 2013
another one
by: Kath

I bought a statue last year, paid a large deposit with the rest to be paid on arrival on Australia. I've had sporadic email responses from Tapiwa, asking for proof of purchase so he can follow up (twice), promising to get back to me etc but no action. I emailed the Zimbabwe ambassador in Aus who said he'd send my complaint to the proper authorities but I haven't heard from any authorities, nor from the ambassador again despite writing again for advice on who to contact. I'm determined to get my statue or my money back so am now writing to MPs in Zimbabwe. Any other ideas? I wish I'd read the website before I went, but like so many others I bought there because it looked legitimate.

Mar 19, 2013
Don't give up
by: Laz

I had the help of the manager of the local backpackers' hostel. I received my hippo after a lot of hassle. I also started with the Zimbabwean Embassy, but they are slow to respond. However, keep up the pressure, you have a chance. Push the authorities to the limit,hey must do something.
Good Luck

Oct 10, 2013
Missing Statue
by: Graeme

I also purchased a statue and paid for the shipping and it too has not arrived. It is now over 1 month and I suspect that I have fallen for the same scam

Oct 11, 2013
he is still at it!
by: Sharon

This man has nerve!!! h e has asked to be my "friend" on Facebook. I think that takes the cake. It took me 9 dedicated months but finally, through a shipper who appeared from nowhere, I received my sculpture. I threatened him with vast travel media exposure (among other things). How the shipper got involved, I do not know.

Nov 04, 2013
by: Anonymous

I messaged a while back - still trying to get my statue or a refund. I'm told by Zimbabwe Tourism that the gallery has been closed down by them. Does anyone know if this is true or are they also giving me the runaround?

Nov 16, 2013
He has been arrested
by: Anonymous

Hie guys.im a resident of victoria falls and tapiwa got arrested on wednesday.he went to court yesterday,dont know if he managed to get bail.but i hope they deny him so that he can also suffer.he was still duping people especially whites who would have come for a visit.

Nov 20, 2013
About time
by: Craig

Thanks for the update. I am glad he has finally been arrested. He is responsible for a lot of ill feelings toward Victoria Falls in general. I hope they shut down his business and let him rot in jail.

Nov 22, 2013
anything more?
by: Kath

Anonymous local, would you mind keeping us informed of what happens. I've spent the last year sending very regular emails to the Zimbabwe Consul, the Zimbabwe Tourism Authority, Tapiwa, etc to try to get some result. I've been very tempted to just go on public sites and media and tell everything about the ripoff but I don't want to make it tougher for good people doing business in Victoria Falls unless there is no option. I've been pretty suspicious of whether the 'right channels' would result in any real action and I still am. I've engaged a lawyer who is taking a low-key approach so far but we're ready to go broader if we need to. I still actually want my sculpture!

Nov 23, 2013
He has been arrested
by: Anonymous

Hie guys,unofortunately the bastard has been given bail.so he is back on the streets.his business has never been closed.kath i wld advise you to take your issue beyond tourism authority because tapiwa is bribing these people now and again.go public,humiliate the idiot.if you cant reach him try the wifes number moline chinamo 00263772617218.he is actually bragging that by 2020 he will be victoria falls richest man,can u imagine??all the best guys.

Nov 24, 2013
No justice
by: Sharon Braun

Is there somewhere to contact that would be a public humiliation, perhaps a local Newspaper, Unfortunately most people do not want to become involved with him as it may be dangerous.
I will be in Vic falls next August. Is there anything I can do then to help get him out of business? I guess he has friends in high places. Money talks.

Mar 13, 2014
Report to police
by: Anonymous

I suggest that you report this to the local police station should you visit Vic Falls again and please bring the original invoices or receipts issued. This is certainly a criminal offence in Zimbabwe and this guy needs to be locked up for the good of our country. Unfortunately without a complaint being laid, the police cannot do anything.

Jun 07, 2014
by: Kath

I finally received a piece of stonework - not what I'd bought originally but one I chose from a selection shown to me via email by Tapiwa Chiadzwa. This was after two years of almost weekly emails to him, the Zimbabwe Consul, Australian Consul, Zimbabwe Tourism Authority etc. I was helped a lot by a local operator who agreed to receive the piece and arrange its passage onwards - without that, I expect I'd still be emailing. Not a great experience, but a lesson again not to trust even reputable-looking shops with large deposits, and to check the internet before travelling! Good luck to everyone else.

Jun 07, 2014
Shop closed down
by: Tony

Tapiwa's shop on the corner of Livingstone way and Park way as seen in the photo at the very top of this post has been closed down, it is now vacant.
I do not know if Tapiwa is still out there or operating from another premises.
So good news for future tourists that they won't get ripped off but I am not sure where that leaves the ones who are still trying to claim their pieces of sculpture.

Sep 26, 2014
Scam potentially continues in 2014
by: Anonymous

I agree with the comments below: charming staff, lovely sculptures but, when nothing is shipped or arrives with a buyer (myself!), it's a big scam!

No contact details work so I can only add to the chorus of "Don't shop at this gallery, unless perhaps you're carrying the piece home! Don't fall for the excellent sales patter!".

My son is so upset & asks daily where his purchase is.

Sep 30, 2014
Which Shop?
by: Tony

Hi There

When and where did you buy this sculpture? Because the shop in question that has scammed all these other folk has been closed down. It is no longer operational. So I would dearly love to know if another shop has opened up elsewhere and continuing this same scam,

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