

Comments for Zimbabwe Announces New Airport Departure Taxes

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Feb 08, 2012
Are taxes included in the airticket
by: Tony

I am trying to get hold of the authorities to determine whether these taxes are included in ones airticket or whether one has to pay for them separately.
They did this last year and then revoked their desicion. I will post here as soon as I have had confirmation, or if anyone else can shed some light please do so.

Jun 20, 2012
Zimbabwe Departure Tax

Can anyone give an upodate on the departure taxes - are they included in the airfare?.
I have a school group flying to Zimbabwe on Sunday 24th June,returning to Cape Town on Sunday1st July - urgent answer required please!!

Jun 20, 2012
Vic Falls departure tax
by: Tony


Hi Alan

I can confirm 100% that you do [NOT] have to pay departure tax or any tax for that matter at the Victoria Falls airport Zimbabwe, if you are on one of the commercial flights, like BA or SAA. These taxes have been included in your ticket.

Only passengers on private charters flights are liable to pay.

Passengers departing from Livingstone in Zambia pay a $5 security tax.

Oct 11, 2012
departure Tax
by: Ron P

Just to confirm that when we departed Victoria Falls airport on 27th August 2012 on a BA/Comair flight to Johannesburg we did not have to pay any additional taxes, other than what had already been included in our flight tickets.

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