

Victoria Falls to Get More Rooms

(Victoria Falls)

23 January 2019

The bustling little town of Victoria Falls is set to have an additional 270 rooms on two different properties in 2019 and 2020. SA Tourism Update says "Victoria Falls currently has about 2 000 rooms, and requires about 500 more to cope with the anticipated increase in tourist arrivals this year and beyond."

The Explorer's Village which is located behind the Elephant's Walk Shopping Mall will be doubling it's capacity from 200 rooms to about 400. The Village is made up of chalets, a campsite with shared facilities, a restaurant and fully stocked bar, curio shop, and swimming pool. Clearing of the site has already begun, and the additional rooms should be complete by mid-2019.

The Manager of Explorer's Village Faith Madzivanyika confirmed that the company is looking at expanding outside the central Vic Falls town area, with the same accommodation and facilities as the Village in Victoria Falls. This will be a while as exploration is still to be completed.

Upstream from the Victoria Falls, the owners of Ilala Lodge are planning a 70 roomed luxury hotel, not far from A Zambezi Hotel and the entrance to the Zambezi National Park. The Palm River Hotel will be located at the old Ilala Campsite, near the Ra Ikane jetty. To read more about The Palm River Hotel, visit our page - Palm River Hotel.

The Spencer's Creek Group CEO Mr Jim Brown said "Given the continued growth of Victoria Falls as one of the premier destinations in Africa, we feel that there is room in the market to offer another high-quality, luxury hotel for the discerning traveller. The new hotel will be built in the Queenslander architectural style, making it completely unique to any other hotel in Victoria Falls. Its enviable location right on the banks of the Zambezi River will offer guests idyllic views and a relaxed ambience."

The Palm River Lodge will be opening it's doors in 2020 - he exact date is still to be confirmed.

Source: SA Tourism Update

Related Links

Explorer's Village
Ilala Lodge
Ra Ikane
Victoria Falls Accommodation

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