Why Victoria FallsVictoria Falls - arguably the Adventure Capital of the World.
Not only is this destination packed with adventure and adrenaline sports but there are a host of other wildlife and scenic activities for the less crazy folk.
Where else on this amazing planet of ours can you do all of these in one place?
• Gaze in awe at one of the
seven natural wonders of the world
• Fish on some of the worlds best waters for the renowned Tiger Fish
The list does not end there, it goes on and on. Few would argue that Victoria Falls ranks among the Adventure Capitals of the World.
The magic and mystery of Africa is a disease that gets into your blood, those born here are already badly infected and those visiting will soon succumb to this incurable bug.
This bug has puzzled people for centuries many of them famous, like David Livingstone the explorer, they felt compelled to come back again and again, each time the love becoming deeper than before, trapping them in a malady that defies description. It has been said many times “That once you have drunk the waters of the mighty Zambezi you will always be thirsty and will have to return”. These symptoms are extraordinary, you cannot pin point exactly what they are, but your life will never be the same again, of that I can assure you. It is deep within your heart, your senses are heightened and everything about life takes on a greater dimension. The red orb of a sun setting, the powerful reverberating roar of a male lion or the gentle call of a cape turtle dove in the still midday heat will grip your heart with such fury that you will be unable to stop talking of your African Experience.
You will find that the people seem to be from a bygone era - an era that one sometimes yearns for. A simpler life, yet a bigger life and a life not engrossed with modern day complications. These people have a spirit for Adventure almost as if they were Livingstone themselves. In essence they are explorers as Africa has not yet been tamed" ... Have fun in Victoria Falls" but don" t say I didn't warn you !!!!