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Zimbabwe Covid19 Latest Travel News

Final Update: 20th June 2023  10:00am

These are the latest details that we are aware of regarding travel to Zimbabwe, during Covid-19. We live in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe and will update this page with any amendments that we become aware of. We actually contact the Port Health Authority to get the correct information, rather than reading press releases which are often inaccurate.

Here is the link to the updated Statutory Instrument


• All Covid-19 entry protocols have been removed, i.e., travellers are no longer required to provide evidence of vaccination or a PCR test result.
• Wearing of masks in public areas is now optional.


A valid negative RT-PCR test may be required by airlines/onward destinations when departing from Zimbabwe. Destination country requirements must be taken into account by the traveller prior to departure, and tests arranged accordingly.

Latest Covid-19 information for travellers to Botswana, Namibia, South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe

Getting to Zimbabwe and Victoria Falls

For information on how to get to Zimbabwe, please visit our How to Get to Zimbabwe page. If specifically for Victoria Falls, visit our Victoria Falls Travel page.

Here's information on Zambia's Covid-19 Updates

Here's information on Botswana's Covid-19 Updates


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